Daugherty & Associates, LLC
Medical-Legal Nurse Consulting
Shirley Daugherty, RN, CNLCP, MSCC, LNC
Certified Life Care Planner, Medicare Set-Aside Certified Consultant and  Legal Nurse Consultant

Did you know that Legal Nurse consultants can save you time and money by efficiently reviewing medical records? 

A  Legal Nurse Consultant can easily find out if the record is complete or if there is evidence of tampering.  Knowing the record gives evidence of breach of duty or documentation does not support standards of care will give you the edge you need to prepare for depositions and/or trial.

It is interesting to explore all of the various tasks a Legal Nurse Consultant can do to ease the case preparation for attorney-clients.

It is also interesting to explore all of the types of attorneys who can benefit from the services of a Legal Nurse Consultant.

Just remember LNC services are needed whenever there are medical issues in a case.  Win with a Legal Nurse Consultant in your corner!               

E-mail:  shirley@daugherty-legalnurse.com or call
765-215-7965 for immediate assistance

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